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Update 28 December 2013- Weather conditions for late December early January:


First point – we have experienced a number of major weather events both here in UK (flooding and storms etc), in US, severe storms across mid west combined with ice storms and arctic conditions, and in general around the globe. In the UK they are still mopping up after severe flooding in many parts and at time of writing, 28 December 2013 many thousands are still without power.

Whilst it was and is tragic for those concerned, and hope they get cleaned up and power restored, imagine the scenario if the climate had been much colder! Icy weather on top of those conditions would have been disastrous for many!


While we must sympathise with the people affected, we must also realise that in many countries, the UK especially, the emergency services due to the constraints they are under (financial and lack of manpower) are unable to cope with the strain imposed when we experience such events. This was seen also in the Gloucester floods of 2007, where many people were ‘cut off’ from any assistance for over 7 days and it was over 18 months (and much longer in some cases) before their properties were restored.


I have run this preparedness and survival site for 15 years and is one of the longest running such preparedness sites on the Internet, and in that time I have witnessed, and discussed, many such scenarios. The common factor time and time again is that the emergency services are totally overwhelmed due to the restrictions and capacity of finance and manpower. It is a physical impossibility under these circumstances to affect repairs and assist those in need within a short space of time.

Unfortunately, people expect (and so they should) to be assisted in these times of hardship within a reasonable space of time. Unfortunately in the real world, this is not the case – and the sooner many realise this, the better they can be prepared for the worst.

As I have always said, when it comes to the crunch, you are on your own, and once this is ‘accepted’ you can plan and prepare for any event - The authorities will be submerged with many priorities and it may take many days, often longer to reach the needy and to attempt repairs on power outages.

As regards flooding, whilst you may be restricted on a number of preparedness issues, it is always wise to have enough drinking water and alternate lighting and heating for at least 7 – 10 days.

Some time ago I compiled a flooding preparedness article, which the reader may find of interest -


It is also advisable to read through my preparedness website for the many articles and links freely available in order to prepare you and your family for a diverse range of emergency and disaster events.


The more prepared you are for such emergencies the more independent you are of any outside help in the immediate period post emergency, and as such would be able to feel more confident to cope under such circumstances


Late December early January forecast:


Looking at all the satellite weather charts, predicted solar activity and storm charts, it appears we are due to experience more blustery and wet weather 31 December through to the early part of January. Winds are expected of at least 50mph – 60 mph on 1 January, and may increase to 80 – 90 mph in Scotland and on west coast UK. More rain is also expected, so those living on or around the flood plains please be take the necessary precautions.


In addition it appears we may experience much cooler weather in January, and it may be the case we will experience very cold and icy conditions over the coming weeks, which may persist until March – keep checking in for updates

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Remember – B prepared, B wise B safe SURVIVE!

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